Monday, February 18, 2008

I'm officially signed up for the battle of columbus for forms. Returning to the site of last year's ACL incident. I anticipate this year being injury free. I don't forsee myself getting hurt doing one form, and Steve's not competing since he's getting ready for the flying pig.

The intraschool tournament was saturday and went well. Everything stayed close to on schedule and we were able to get everything cleaned up before we left. A group went to dinner afterwards, which was a good time. Steve was the "wrangler" which involves organizing the children and getting the divisions to their rings. He may be stuck with that job from now on though, becasue he was too good at it.

I will be starting the sunday workouts this comming sunday. Hopefully those will help me to get enough practice in even though track will start to conflict soon. I've been sick the past week, so I havn't been doing a whole lot of training at home recently, but that should pick up again this week.

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