Sunday, August 19, 2007


I haven't been that good about physical therapy on my own this past week due to the whole moving thing. Good news is that we are all moved, if not all unpacked. I have to go back to work tomorrow, so I have to try to get ready for that too. Tomorrow will be busy. I have to go up for the teacher workday, then go to physical therapy when I get home. Fitting in PT will become more and more difficult as school starts again. A main difficulty is the amount of time I have to spend driving. Plus, I have to make sure I can get home to spend some time with Rowlf, since he's not used to being left for more than a few hours at a time. He should adapt to it pretty quickly though. We've made him an area in the basement where he'll be staying during the day until he's old enough to be trusted not to destroy the house if left to roam free.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Back to Therapy

I went back to therapy today for the first time in a couple weeks. It went well. Did some good work on the weight machines. Got a decent workout on the bike in too.

It is crazy hot outside, but according to the weather maps it's like in most of the country right now, so that's not a surprise to anyone. I make myself a strawberry smoothie at 10:00 this morning because it was 83 degrees in the house. The tiny air conditioner can't keep up. It hasn't dropped below 82 since we got back from vacation. And since it stays hot at night, opening windows wouldn't help. I'm hoping it's below 90 next Wednesday when we move, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

So, I've gotten lazy about posting. I'll blame it on being preoccupied by the whole house buying thing. We close on the 8th. We also went on vacation last week to Rhode Island. It was a good week. Lots of walking around, swimming, bike riding, eating...all good stuff. I wasn't all that great about keeping up with my physical therapy. At the same time I was usually pretty tired from the day's activities. I was getting some decent workouts, so I guess that counts. I did make a point of doing some hopping drills a couple mornings. I got on the treadmill for 10 minutes tonight and had a lot less pain than I have had previously which made me feel pretty good. Other than that I've been working on packing for the move. This is easier said than done when dealing with Rowlf.