Tuesday, October 27, 2009

new start on the blog

So, I haven't been on here to post in a while...devoted my Internet time to facebook. However, I now have a new goal to chronicle. After having James, I now find myself a little heavier than before and I don't fit into my pants. I've had to buy a few pairs of replacement pants fro when I go back to work (next week). I understand that there may be fundamental changes to my body shape and that I may never fit into my old pants again. I can't make that determination until I get closer to my pre-pregnancy weight, though.

I will now use this blog to record what I'm doing to make that happen. The blog was originally started as ACL rehab recording. Now it will be James rehab recording.

Diet: I've never had to actually do any real dieting before. I'm not going to start on a specific diet now. What I've been doing is cutting down on snacking between meals and trying to eat things with nutritional value (if I am going to have a snack, it should be fruit as opposed to pretzels). Plus, drinking water, and generally just eating healthy stuff.

Working out: I have to do something every day, but not the same thing.

Eating well may get a little easier when I go back to work because I won't be in the house all day. Working out will get harder because I'm not going to want to do anything when I get home.

I've been jogging and starting taekwondo activities. I went back to class for the first time last night. I had gotten myself to the point where I was jogging a couple miles, and then I started having IT band issues, so I've backed off that I bit and I'm doing more walking on an incline on the treadmill mixed with some jogging.

Weight as of this morning: 159.5 lbs.
I figure I need to get below 140 before I give up on my pants.